Whether you are aware of it or not, plaque is attacking your body even as you read this. While many people only want to associate the dangers of plaque to their arteries and heart disease, there is another form of plaque that is incredibly dangerous. Dental plaque poses a real threat to your oral health as well as the health of your entire body. There have been direct links found between kidney disease, diabetes, and even heart disease – making it essential that you understand how detrimental dental plaque is.
On any given day, there are millions of bacteria living inside your mouth. If that makes you want to clean your mouth even more frequently, then good! These bacteria thrive off of the tiny particles left behind inside your mouth after ever meal, snack, breath mint, piece of candy, cup of coffee, glass of wine – anything that you consume other than water. The oral bacteria congregate around the tiny particles that have been left behind and begin working to break them down. While this seems helpful, their assistance goes from “helpful” to harmful in just a short amount of time.
As the oral bacteria work to break down particles within your mouth, they begin producing acids to help in their endeavors. Acids are dangerous and corrosive, and they pose an extreme threat to your oral health. Due to the corrosive nature of acids, your tooth enamel and gum tissue are exceptionally vulnerable. As the acids work through the tiny particles of food, drink, and sugars, they do not stop their work once they have finished with them. The acids continue to work and begin attacking your mouth. Removing acid-laden dental plaque from the teeth on a daily basis is imperative to protect your mouth from damage, decay, infection, and disease.
The most effective method for removing dental plaque is unfortunately the most neglected oral hygiene practice in America. Dental floss is the only tool that has been specifically designed to remove plaque from the teeth. It is designed to slide underneath plaque and scrape it away from the teeth and gum tissue. Brushing your teeth, while important, is not effective at removing plaque; therefore, assuming that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough to keep your mouth health is entirely false.
At Peninsula Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we want our patients to understand the direct correlation between dental plaque and oral health. Nothing will damage your mouth faster or more severely (aside from trauma to the mouth) than dental plaque. We want to partner with you to understand the importance of flossing and how to do it correctly. Call today to schedule a cleaning appointment and we will be happy to give you a flossing tutorial.
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