Teeth that are compromised pose huge risks to the entire mouth. While permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime, many people experience damage to the teeth that causes tooth loss or the need for treatment to save the tooth. Trauma, injury, decay, and infection can all cause a tooth’s health and stability to become compromised. Treatment measures must be taken in order to save a tooth, restore dental health, and alleviate dental pain. Root canals are commonly performed when a tooth is decayed or infected from the inside. If you have fears rush to mind when you think of a root canal procedure, let it be known that it is only misconceptions that cause fear of a root canal.
Root canals are not painful – infected teeth are painful! Many people put off having a necessary root canal procedure done simply because they are fearful that the procedure will be painful. However, root canals are the procedure performed to alleviate pain, and avoiding the procedure will only exacerbate your pain. In fact, a tooth that is infected that is not treated within a timely manner will not only become unbearable, but the damage to the tooth will be too great that the tooth will not be able to be saved.
Root canal therapy is done under local anesthesia in order to prevent patients from feeling any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once a patient is comfortable, the tooth is opened up so that the infection and damaged pulp inside the tooth can be removed. Once the inside of the tooth has been cleaned, the tooth will be treated with antibiotics, filled, and then sealed to protect it against further damage. The procedure is a relatively simple procedure, and patients should never put it off.
At Peninsula Dentistry, we are here for all of our patients’ dental needs. We proudly provide the highest standard in dentistry with compassionate and comfortable care during all procedures. Treating an infected tooth is absolutely essential in order for the tooth to remain inside the mouth. It is also essential to treat an infected tooth early on so that the infection does not spread throughout the mouth. If you have any type of oral pain, please contact our dental practice right away. Your oral health is our top priority!
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