If you ask 100 people what they could do to be healthier, most of them would have very similar answers. Giving up smoking, exercising more, drinking less alcohol, getting more sleep, and eating a healthy diet are the most common things people think of when they think of “getting healthy.” However, there is another area to consider when it comes to making healthy choices – how your beverage choices impact the health of your smile.
What you drink plays a huge role in the health of your teeth and gums. The mouth is where all foods and beverages enter your body, so it makes sense that what enters will impact your teeth and gums. With every sip you take, you are giving your entire mouth a liquid bath. Therefore, it is essential that you make healthy choices for a healthy smile.
Billions of dollars are spent each year in America by people who want to whiten their teeth, yet there is more to a beautiful smile than bright white teeth. You can have the whitest teeth possible and still have a mouth full of cavities and decay. High-sugared drinks leave the teeth incredibly vulnerable to oral health issues. Soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice, and alcohol are all laden with sugar and acids. Together, sugars and acids create a devastating atmosphere where your smile is constantly under assault.
Can you remember back to your high school chemistry class and how acids work? Acids break down surfaces, and anywhere acids land, they will cause damage. The same is true for your teeth. If you consume beverages that have a pH below 5.5, then your teeth are literally getting an acid bath every time you drink. Highly acidic drinks can dissolve tooth enamel, even though the enamel of the teeth is the hardest substance in the human body. Acidic beverages can cause tooth decay, severe discoloration, and extreme tooth sensitivity.
At Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we know that giving up all delicious drinks is not an ideal solution. While water will always be the healthiest drink option available for hydration and health, there are times when indulging in an occasional soda, alcoholic beverage, or flavored drink is an acceptable option. However, you should rinse your mouth with water immediately after drinking to wash away sugars and acids that remain inside your mouth.
Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry cares about your smile. Contact us today.
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