When it comes to money, no one likes to see it go to waste. There is nothing more frustrating than spending money on something that you never use. You may think of this in terms of food thrown away after it has molded in the fridge or a new grill that you’ve only fired up a couple of times. But what about your dental benefits? If you are paying a monthly premium for dental insurance, yet you are not taking advantage of all your dental benefits have to offer, you are merely wasting your hard-earned money.
As with most insurance policies, dental insurance tends to run through a calendar year. This means that from January 1 – December 31 of each year, you are entitled to certain paybacks regarding your oral health. During each year, most dental insurance plans cover two cleanings and dental coverage within the cost of $1,000 – $1,500 (check your policy for accurate numbers). If you do not use your dental coverage within a calendar year, it will not roll over into the following year. You will simply lose out on what you had paid for. At Peninsula Dentistry, we want to give you a friendly reminder to use your dental insurance, so you don’t lose out on your benefits!
The months of October and November are the perfect time for this reminder. There is still plenty of time left in 2019 to get the most out of your dental policy. Getting in for a regular cleaning and checkup should be pretty easy, but if you need more extensive dental work such as a root canal, bridge, etc., it will become more difficult. With many dental patients waiting until the end of the year to maximize their benefits, appointment times will be filling up quickly. Now is the time to call.
When you keep in mind that you are paying out money each month towards dental benefits, it will be less likely that you will waste this money. Also, keep in mind that regular dental visits generally prevent serious dental issues from arising. At Peninsula Dentistry, we provide exceptional care. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
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